Friday, January 20, 2012

Standing in your own way...

Sometimes we issue the blame for our problems on others, and while they might have caused the pain or negative emotions, we are responsible for staying that way. When someone hurts you they go on about their lives as if it never happened. We carry with us the emotional scars. Sometimes we just have to know when to let go. Let go of the “ain’t shit” people in our lives, and the situations that are not beneficial to a happy life.
I’m not taking away from any one’s situations, or hurt, because I’ve been there too. I’ve spent a lot of time hurting or being upset about situations I can’t control, and it hasn’t done me any good. If you can’t control what happens in a situation, you can’t blame yourself for it. Sitting around down about that situation won’t make things in your life change. If you want your life to change, you have to do it yourself. Friends, Family, Boyfriends/girlfriends, jobs are all things that can help you be happy, but being happy starts with you. Life happens to us, so it’s how we react and adapt to life situations that makes us have better life experiences.
Just some thoughts/opinions running through my mind…

Friendship Dynamics?

I think a true friendship adjusts to changes in life, situations, and people maturing. When you first meet someone, you probably interact over something you have in common, a laugh, or something simple. So the basis of the friendship is entertainment/ having a good time. As time passes, and you go through rough times (everyone does), your friendship now includes comfort, compassion, empathy etc etc. When you over come those hard times with a person or people, it only makes the relationship stronger. Not only are you able to laugh and just enjoy each other’s company, you were able to make it through rough times and still come up on top, laughing and smiling. And that’s what I think true friendship is, someone that’s with you at your best, but someone who also stuck by you through the worst. People you could be yourself around, you could laugh with but still have those serious real life conversations. And I’m not taking away from all the other friendships we have. Sometimes its good to know with person X, I’m guaranteed a good laugh, or with person Y, I’m going to have a good night out. Those are cool to me too, sometimes I just want to have a good time and be free. To me a true friendship withstands the test of time. If we can go through periods of time without talking/seeing each other and still pick up where we left off, that’s great. If we can go down different paths in life, (school, work, relationships, etc) and still be friends that’s real. How many of your friendships are true friendships?